Scientific and Non-Scientific Events

Event during the European Microscopy Conference 2024, Copenhagen

EMC 2024 website from 25.08 to 30.08 2024 

yDGE EM Picture Contest at the EM2024, Copenhagen


Dear young microscopists,


We’ve all been there… we sit at the microscope excited about our new sample and yet another disappointment – the sample isn‘t great, the microscope not in best condition and we‘re still waiting for publishable data. However, sometimes the beauty of these failed EM images strikes you! And you wish to present those pictures to the world. But who is interested in images that don‘t answer a scientific question?!


Well, we are! We want to see your most beautiful shot and give you the chance to share it with the community. We invite you to participate in our yDGE EM Picture Contest that we host in the context of the EMC 2024 in Copenhagen. Prizes, fame and glory are waiting for you and your picture!


This is how you participate:

Submit your favourite image by 11.08.2024. Make a two slide presentation according to this template and upload it here. We welcome submissions by all young microscopists* (ONE submission per person). You don‘t have to attend EMC 2024 to be eligible for image submission. We highly recommend to give your image a DOI. So your image will always be yours! You can do so by uploading it to a repository like

This is how the best image is selected:

We will present the images that made it into the final at our booth at the EMC 2024. We will ask the community to vote for the best picture during the EMC2024 on the yDGE booth.


This is what you can win:

First and foremost: Fame and glory! We will display the winning picture on our yDGE homepage for everyone to see. And there‘s a winning certificate and a prize waiting for you, too.


We‘re looking forward to your submissions!

Your yDGE Team

*Young microscopists are students, doctoral candidates and postdocs up to two years after graduation.

Young Microscopist Symposium to be held in the Microscopy Conference 2025, Karlsruhe

Conference will take place between the 31.08.2025 and the 04.09.2025

Past Scientific Events

Past Non-Scientific Events

  • 27.03.2023: Online get-to-know yDGE event
  • 17.03.2024: International Microscopy Student Mixer – BINA EC, MSA StC, MSC.SMC StC, RMS ECC, yCSMS, and yDGE
  • 25.09.2023: Student Mixer 
  • 07.05.2023: International Student Mixer – MSA StC / yDGE
  • 15.03.2023: Online get-to-know yDGE event
  • 15.10.2022: International Student Mixer – MSA StC / RMS EC / MSC-SMC StC / yDGE
  • 13.04.2022: Student Social Event – MSA StC / RMS EC / yDGE