The working group for students, doctoral researchers, early-career post-doctoral researchers and other young professionals
within the German society for electron microscopy (DGE)

Our goals & activities

  • Foster communication between students, doctoral researchers and post-doctoral researchers, young professionals, … working in the field of microscopy
  • Organize regular meetings, webinars, talks and (virtual) social events
  • Offer a platform for early-career microscopists to present their work, exchange ideas, and get help from peers
  • Connect people with backgrounds in Life Sciences, Material Sciences, and Physical Sciences
  • Organize a yearly Young Microscopist’s symposium during conferences taking place in Germany and Europe


Simone Rey




Ivan Musil


President Elect


Johannes Müller


Past President


Leonie Schadt


Secretary and Treasurer

Raquel Aymerich Armengol


Program Chair


Lydia Daum


Scientific Event Co-Chair


Miquel Vega Paredes


Materials Science Co-Chair

Moritz Mayer


Life Science Co-Chair

Chang-Ming Liu


Physical Sciences Co-Chair


Nina Nicolin


Social Chair


Meng Zhao


Communication Chair

Aayush Poddar


Communications Co-Chair


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Do you have some suggestions, or would you like to contribute more directly?

Reference for cover image

Authors: Johannes Müller, Milena Hugenschmidt, Simone Rey, Martin Rothe